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Hello! It's a really good asset! Thank you for producing the asset.

With the addition of boots and helmet assets as a personal request, I think the whole set of assets will feel complete.

Would you like to bundle all the assets you're currently selling? I'm thinking of buying them, but if you plan to bundle them up and sell them, I'm going to wait a little bit and buy them all at once.

Hey, thanks. I'll probably work on helmets next.

I don't currently have plans to create bundles as that's not something I've done before and I would have to look into that further.

Thank you for your response!

I don't think you have any plans to bundle it up and sell it, so I bought it myself individually.

I will look forward to your helmet pack. Have a happy day today 

Are you planing on making more assets? Like boots, gloves, cloaks, etc?

Someone emailed me and asked for some of these other types of assets. So right now I'm about half done with a set of Shields which I'm matching to the color schemes of many of these armors from both packs. I may do helmets or other items after that. Feel free to throw out some suggestions.

I'm pretty sure that might've been me hahahah
Having only armor and rings might not be enough for most devs looking for sprites for their games and as you know, mixing icon styles from different artists is a no-no.
I'm looking for a complete set of items to use on my game, I think at least 2 more item types would be enough, like helmets and gloves for example.  Your assets are hands down the best on forward for more asset packs.

Hey, just letting you know I've now released a pixel shields pack on itch. It's got 75 icons because I couldn't help myself but make other cool designs and colors. There are matching examples to some armors in the screenshots and the naming conventions should match existing color set names to help match them up to both Armor Pack 1 and Armor Pack 2. Let me know how you like them and leave me a review if you can. Thanks!